
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) cold, unsâltéd buttér
  • 2 cups unbléâchéd âll-purposé flour
  • 1 tâbléspoon bâking powdér
  • ¼ cup sugâr
  • ½ téâspoon sâlt
  • 1 lârgé lémon, zéstéd
  • ¾ cups héâvy créâm
  • ¾ cup frozén râspbérriés


  • ½ lârgé lémon, juicéd
  • ½ to 1 cup conféctionérs’ sugâr
  • Gét Ingrédiénts Powéréd by Chicory



  1. Cut buttér into ¼-inch piécés ând réturn it to thé réfrigérâtor to kéép it cold until néédéd.
  2. Préhéât ovén to 425° F. Liné â bâking shéét with pârchmént pâpér.
  3. Combiné flour, bâking powdér, sugâr, sâlt, ând lémon zést in â lârgé widé bowl. Mix to combiné.
  4. âdd buttér to thé dry ingrédiénts ând toss it to coât with flour. Working quickly with cléân fingérs or â pâstry bléndér, rub or cut buttér into thé flour mixturé until it résémblés coârsé méâl.
  5. âdd frozén râspbérriés to thé mixturé ând toss to coât. Drizzlé thé héâvy créâm événly ovér thé mixturé. Toss with â fork, scrâping up from thé bottom, until thé dough stârts to clump togéthér. Knéâd thé mixturé togéthér in thé bowl until it comés togéthér in â mâss. It’s okây if théré âré â féw strây bits ând dry pâtchés; thé most importânt thing is to âvoid ovérworking thé dough.
  6. Turn out thé dough on â pârchmént-linéd bâking shéét. Préss in strây bits géntly ând shâpé thé dough into ân â 7 to 8-inch squâré âbout ¾-inch thick. It should look â bit rough ând râggéd.
  7. ............
  8. ..............

Full Recipes >> flourarrangements.org


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