RâSPBéRRY LéMON SCONéS INGRéDIéNTS Sconés 1 stick (1/2 cup) cold, unsâltéd buttér 2 cups unbléâchéd âll-purposé flour 1 tâbléspoon bâking powdér ¼ cup sugâr ½ téâspoon sâlt 1 lârgé lémon, zéstéd ¾ cups héâvy créâm ¾ cup frozén râspbérriés Glâzé ½ lârgé lémon, juicéd ½ to 1 cup conféctionérs’ sugâr Gét Ingrédiénts Powéréd by Chicory READ ALSO : - BEST AMAZING DINNER RECIPES - BEST BEST YUMMY DINER RECIPES - BEST TOP DINNER RECIPES - BEST HEALTHY FOOD RECIPES INSTRUCTIONS Cut buttér into ¼-inch piécés ând réturn it to thé réfrigérâtor to kéép it cold until néédéd. Préhéât ovén to 425° F. Liné â bâking shéét with pârchmént pâpér. Combiné flour, bâking powdér, sugâr, sâlt, ând lémon zést in â lârgé widé bowl. Mix to combiné. âdd buttér to thé dry ingrédiénts ând toss it to coât with flour. Working quickly with cléân fingérs or â pâstry bléndér, rub or cut buttér into thé flour mixturé until it résémblés coârsé méâl. âdd ...
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